Lyrics Ballad Of Barbara

In a southern town where I was born
That's where I got my education
I worked in the fields and I walked in the woods
And I wondered at creation
I recall the sun in a sky of blue
And the smell of green things growin'
And I lived everyday and I lived anyway
Anyway the wind was blowin'
But then I heard of a cultured city life
Breath-takin' lofty steeples
And the day I called myself a man
I left my land and my people
verse 2
And I rambled North and I rambled East
And I tested and I tasted
And a girl or two took me round and round
But always left me wasted
In a world that saw concrete and steel
With nothin' green ever growin'
Where the buildings hide the rising sun
And stop the free wind from blowin'
Where they sleep all day and they wake all night
To a world of drink and laughter
I met that girl that I thought would be
The one that I was after
verse 3
In a soft blue gown and a formal tux
Beneath that lofty steeple
He said do you Barbra take this man
Will you be one of his people
And she said I will and she said I do
And the world looked mighty pretty
And we lived in a fancy downtown flat
Cause she loved the noisy city
Then the days grew cold beneath the yellow sky
And I longed for green things growin'
And I talked of home and my people there
But she'd not agree to goin'
verse 4
Then her hazel eyes turned away from me
With a look that wasn't very pretty
And she turned into concrete and steel
And she said I take the city
verse 5
Now the cars go by on the interstate
And my pack is on my shoulder
And I'm goin' home where I belong
Much wiser now and older