Letra Corazonado

Te dire un secreto
y que quede entre tu y yo
Siento que te quiero
Puede ser que si, puede que no
Te bese intintivamente
Sin saber lo que hacia
Yo me lance...
Delante de tu cuerpo
Yo me rompia
Sintiendome bendecido por tu amor
En brazos de tus brazos
Se derretia
el iceberg de mi frio corazon, corazon
Ahora tengo miedo
Si te digo la verdad
Sufrira mi ego
Donde acabara mi vanidad
Corazon de suicida
Me enamore...
Chorus x
Corazon de suicida
Me enamore...
Chorus (un tono mas alta)
This is not the way I wanted things to be
I hope someday youll understand
My heart beats stronger when I know Im close to you
Its helped me be a better man
Why most all of the love come falling
Why dont we just take a chance
I could walk this road again with you my love...
Why cant you come to me
Dont save your love for some elusive dream
Why cant you find your way
Ill fall for you no matter where it leads
This is not the way we started you and I
How was it that I lost my way
Two souls can drift apart without a word
Or are those the words I did not say
Why most all of the dreams come falling
Why dont we just take a chance
I could walk this road again with you my love...
I could walk this road again with you my love...
Chorus x 3